The following is the statement of WP29 on the Schrems decision. It is a short opinion that we replicated here in full. We note that WP29 appears to suggest that model clauses and BCRs remain viable through at least January
Jamie Nowak (DE)
Contact:Read more about Jamie Nowak (DE)
Schrems: ECJ invalidates the Commission’s Safe Harbor Decision
The European Court of Justice (ECJ) ruled on Case C-362/14 (the Schrems case) earlier today, 6 October 2015. In its ruling, the ECJ – among other things – held that the EU Commission’s “US Safe Harbor” decision is invalid.
German draft bill to authorize privacy “class actions”
The German government recently released a draft bill seeking to grant authority to the country’s consumer and business associations to enforce compliance with data protection laws. Because the proposed draft bill appears to have received support from the governing parties,…